Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A New Year is Like a Newborn

We spend several months prior to the NEW year making notes to our self of how NEXT year will be different,
Setting expectations for how we want our NEW year to be, look, and feel.
We have high expectations.
We want everything to be perfect.
We start on DAY 1.

If Day 1 or Day 2 does not go as planned
We get discouraged.
We get upset.
We start saying, oh, great this year is ruined, there is always NEXT year.

Instead, we need to STOP.
Be patient

Everything will fall into place,
Give it time,
Give it space,
And let it develop.
Dont give up.
Nothing worthwhile is perfect to begin with it takes time

We need to change, not the YEAR.
WE need to make Choices with Purpose.

Our choices are what create our time, our life, not the calendar.

Make good Choices.
Stick with them.
Modify the Choices if necessary.
Have patience.
No one is perfect; we are always changing and growinglike a newborn.

A New Year really lasts 364 days.
The 365th day is to say goodbye.

Make Choices with Purpose.
Stand by those choices.
Support the choices with action, not reaction.


  1. I love your quote: A New Year really lasts 364 days. The 365th day is to say goodbye.

  2. What a powerful image you chose- both your photo choice and as an idea to deepen commitment. We can't give up on our year, goals, missions we set out to make happen any more than we can a newborn. We have to be understanding and caring for ourselves, just like we do with little ones! Very nice!

    1. Exactly Donovan! so many people give up right away when their expectations are not met.
      It is our choices and our willingness to change that lead to the quality of our life..
      the secret is we can keep making Choices with Purpose to change what no longer serves us and open ourselves up to receive what will.
      Thank you for your input!
      Make your New Year Happy!

  3. Trying to be forgiving of one's self and allow the pieces to develop through the year is so important, and I know it's why I've failed in years past. I'm just too impatient for everything to work instantly. I need to remember it took years to develop some of the bad habits - it could easily take the same to change them again.

    Happy New Year to you, Patti!

    Melissa from Measi's Musings

    1. Absolutely true Melissa, we must forgive and encourage ourselves daily.

  4. This was so timely - today I enjoyed some time with my husband and my son, but, later in the day, I started to feel like I hadn't accomplished anything because I had wanted to organize financial records and put some things into order. By the time he left I just felt like resting a bit Why did I need to feel guilty? I've put the guilt aside. There will be another, better, time to do that. Alana frm the UBC.

    1. good for you Alana.
      I like napping to recharge my batteries and then I am usually right on track again!

  5. I love the New Year, with all the promise of new beginnings. I agree with your suggestions, and I will take it one day at a time!

    1. that is all we can ever do Shelli.
      Do the Best that we can, with what we have in the time we are given! :)

  6. Hi Patti, your blog said that your latest post did not exist!
    Have a great 2014!

  7. Great message. One of patience. We could all do with a generous helping. I like the analogy to a new born.
